Spain Digital Nomad Visa | Your Ticket to Remote Work Paradise

Spain Digital Nomad Visa

The rise of digital nomadism has seen a big increase. It has led to more people working remotely from many locations around the world.

In the USA, there are currently 16.9 million people who are digital nomads. 72 million people are planning to become digital nomads soon. The pandemic sped up this trend, making remote work more popular in the UK and elsewhere.

What is the Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

The Spain Digital Nomad Visa allows foreigners to live in Spain as residents. They can work remotely for a company outside of Spain. This visa is for people who want to work remotely and experience life in Spain.

This blog post aims to give an overview of digital nomadism. It will introduce the Spain Digital Nomad Visa for remote workers. It will also discuss the benefits and challenges of the digital nomad lifestyle.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible, you must be a non-EU/EEA citizen. You must have a university degree or three years of professional experience.

You must also show you have at least 200% of the Spanish national minimum wage (about £2140/month).

Comparison with other similar visas in different countries

The Spain Digital Nomad Visa is like other remote work visas. Portugal, Croatia, and Estonia also offer them. They also offer extended stays for non-EU/EEA citizens working remotely.

But, the specific requirements, benefits, and application process may vary between countries.

spain digital noamd visa

What Are the Visa requirements for Spanish citizens?

The visa requirements for Spanish citizens are explained in the following section:

  • Citizenship: You must not be a citizen of the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA).
  • You must work from home for a company outside of Spain. Or, you must have your own clients outside of Spain if you are self-employed. If you are self-employed, you can also work for Spanish companies. But, this work cannot exceed 20% of your total workload.
  • Income: You need to show enough financial resources to support yourself in Spain. The minimum income requirement is currently €2,160 per month for an individual.
  • Qualifications: You will need to show proof of qualifications for your remote job. This could be a university degree or at least 3 years of experience in your field.
  • Health insurance is mandatory. All applicants must have valid private insurance. 
  • The form will collect your personal information. It will also collect your travel details and the reason for your visa.
  • The visa fee is non-refundable. The Spanish government charges it to process your visa application. 

What Documents Do I Need to Provide?

General Required Documents (For All Applicants):

  • Completed National Visa Application Form
  • Valid Passport
  • Two Recent Passport-Sized Photos
  • You can use a work contract or a letter from your employer. Or, you can use proof of your self-employment with clients outside Spain.
  • You can use bank statements, payslips, or income proof from your remote work/business. They can prove your finances.
  • Proof of Qualifications
  • Criminal Record Certificate
  • Private Health Insurance
  • Payment of Visa Fee

Additional Documents for Family Applications:

If you are applying with your family (spouse and/or dependent children), you will need to provide more documents. You will need to provide them for each family member.

  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
  • Birth Certificates
  • Proof of Relationship
  • Proof of Children Dependent Status

How Do I Apply for a Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

There are two main ways to apply for a Spanish Digital Nomad Visa:

1. Applying Abroad (From Your Home Country):

This is the most common approach for most applicants. Here’s a general overview of the process:

  • Gather the Required Documents. Get all the mentioned documents (application form, passport, proof of remote work, finances, qualifications, etc.). Stamp and translate any foreign documents as needed.
  • Contact Your Local Spanish Embassy or Consulate. Find the one closest to your home in your home country. Their website or a call will give details on the application process. This includes how to schedule an appointment and any extra requirements.
  • Schedule an Appointment. Once you have your documents ready, schedule an interview for a visa application. Do this at the embassy or consulate.
  • Attend Your Appointment. On your appointment day, go to the embassy with all your documents. Attend the interview. The visa officer will review your application. They will ask questions to check if you are eligible.
  • Pay the Visa Fee. You will likely need to pay the fee now. The amount may vary by nationality. The fee is usually not refundable. So, make sure your application is complete before your appointment.
  • After your interview, they will submit your application for processing. Processing times vary. Check with the embassy/consulate for their estimates.
  • Visa Decision: The embassy/consulate will inform you of their decision via email or phone. If approved, you can pick up your visa passport.

2. Applying in Spain (After Entering as a Tourist):

While less common, it is possible to apply for the Digital Nomad Visa after entering Spain on a tourist visa.  Here’s a brief explanation:

  • Enter Spain on a Tourist Visa: You would first need to enter Spain legally on a valid tourist visa.
  • Apply for a Change of Visa Status. Once in Spain, you would need to apply to change your visa from tourist to Digital Nomad. You typically do this through the local immigration office in Spain. It may have extra steps and rules.

What Is the Validity Period of the Digital Nomad Visa?

The Spanish Digital Nomad Visa allows for a one-year stay. You can extend it for up to five years with a residence permit.

This means digital nomads can live and work in Spain for a long time. They can experience its culture and lifestyle while pursuing their work.

What Restrictions Are There With a Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

Here are some of the key restrictions associated with the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa:

  • Your Work Location can’t focus on clients or companies in Spain. You can work with some Spanish clients, but it cannot exceed 20% of your total workload. The visa is for remote workers. They must have established businesses or jobs outside of Spain.
  • This visa allows you to work remotely but not directly for a Spanish company. You cannot work under a Spanish contract or receive payment through a Spanish payroll system.
  • Entrepreneurship limitations. You can be self-employed and manage a business abroad. But, you cannot directly start or run a Spanish company under this visa.
  • Minimum Income Requirement: You need to meet the Minimum Income Requirement. You need to show you have enough money to support yourself in Spain. The minimum income threshold is now €2,160 per month for an individual. It is higher for families.
  • The Digital Nomad Visa is a temporary residency permit. It can be renewed for up to five years. But, it does not offer a direct path to permanent residency in Spain.

What’s the Difference Between the Spain Digital Nomad Visa and Non-lucrative Visa?

The Spanish Digital Nomad Visa and the Non-Lucrative Visa differ. It’s about whether you want to work remotely.

FeatureDigital Nomad VisaNon-Lucrative Visa
Work PermissionRemote work for companies/clients outside Spain (up to 20% from Spain)Not allowed to work in Spain
Minimum Income Requirement€2,160 per month (individual)€2,400 per month (individual) (2023)
Initial Visa ValidityOne yearOne or two years
Potential ResidencyUp to five yearsNo clear path to permanent residency
PurposeRemote workers with established incomeLiving in Spain without working

Legal and Tax Considerations

Digital nomads in Spain face specific tax rules. These rules include a 24% tax rate for income up to €600,000. Income above €600,000 faces a 47% tax rate.

The Digital Nomad Visa has tax benefits. It includes a lower non-resident income tax for employees. Self-employed people pay a flat tax rate.

Legal rights and responsibilities of digital nomads under this visa

Digital nomads under the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa have legal rights and duties. These include the need to work remotely and have a job with a company for at least three months. They also must show proof of health insurance for at least one year.

They must also show they have the money to support themselves and any dependents. And they must meet the visa’s specific requirements. These include having a bachelor’s or master’s degree or at least three years of relevant work experience.

Insurance requirements and healthcare access

Digital nomads in Spain have to meet insurance requirements. They must have a health insurance policy for at least one year. The policy must be authorized to operate in Spain.

You can access healthcare through the Spanish public system. It is funded by taxes and provides free or low-cost services to residents. Private insurance policies are also available for additional coverage.

Do I Still Need to Pay Taxes as a Digital Nomad in Spain?

Whether you need to pay taxes in Spain as a Digital Nomad depends on your tax residency status.

  • Spanish Tax Resident: If you spend more than 183 days in Spain in a year, you are a Spanish tax resident. This means you would be liable to pay taxes on your worldwide income in Spain.
  • Non-Resident: If you spend under 183 days in Spain, you might be a non-resident for tax purposes. However, there are some additional considerations, like your center of economic interest.

Spain Permanent Residency Visa

The Spain Permanent Residency Visa is also known as the Tarjeta Comunitaria Permanente. It lets people live and work in Spain indefinitely. But, they must have lived in the country legally for five years. Here is how you can apply for it:

Application Process

  1. Submit your application for Permanent Residence at least three months before your visa or permission expires.
  2. Provide various documents. These include a completed form and proof of current residency (e.g., a work or rental contract). Also, evidence of living in Spain for five years, a police registration, proof of ongoing residency, income or savings, and a health insurance certificate for Spain.

Renewal Process

  1. Once approved, you will receive a residency card that is valid for five years. It is crucial to renew this card before it expires to maintain your immigration status in Spain.
  2. To renew, submit the right form and documents. These include proof of address in Spain, the original residency card, passport, and the renewal fee. You may also need to resubmit your fingerprints.

Cost and Requirements

  1. The cost of applying for Permanent Residency in Spain is around 80 euros, but this can vary based on individual circumstances.
  2. Requirements include having clean criminal records. You must also show financial stability and continuous residence in Spain for five years. You must also provide necessary documentation, such as passports and medical certificates.


  • Permanent Residency allows individuals to live and work in Spain indefinitely. They have the same rights as Spanish nationals. It also permits travel outside Spain for up to six months within a year without issues.
  • After ten years of legal residency, either temporary or permanent, individuals may be eligible for naturalization as Spanish citizens. They must meet additional criteria, like giving up their old nationality and showing integration into Spanish society.

Digital Nomad Destinations in Spain

digital nomad

Spain has digital nomad destinations. They include Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Malaga, and Palma de Mallorca. Each city offers unique advantages for digital nomads, such as:

  • Barcelona: Barcelona is known for its vibrant city life. It is a popular spot for digital nomads. It has many coworking spaces and fast internet. It also has many cultural attractions. These include the Sagrada Familia and Park Güell.
  • Valencia: Valencia is affordable. It has a quiet place to work, fast Wi-Fi, and access to an outdoor area at Botanico Coworking. The city is also known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife.
  • Madrid: Madrid is an ideal destination for digital nomads seeking the buzz of a major global city. It has many people. Also, it has many coworking spaces. The city has a rich history. This includes the Prado Museum and the Royal Palace.
  • Malaga: Malaga is a popular seaside resort town that doubles as a startup hub and home to many of Spain’s rising tech companies. It has a thriving entrepreneurial community. It also has a booming startup ecosystem and a great Mediterranean climate.
  • Palma de Mallorca: Palma de Mallorca is a popular destination for digital nomads, especially during the COVID pandemic, due to its separate digital nomad visa program. The city offers many coworking spaces. It has a thriving community of digital nomads. And, it has access to beautiful beaches and outdoor activities.

When choosing a digital nomad destination in Spain, consider factors such as cost of living. Also, think about internet speed, cultural attractions, and the availability of coworking spaces.

Each city offers a unique blend of these factors. They let digital nomads find the perfect balance between work and play.


In summary, the Spain Digital Nomad Visa offers a rare chance for remote workers and freelancers. It lets them live and work in Spain. Spain is known for its rich culture and diverse landscapes. This visa stands out among EU counterparts.

It has benefits like lower tax rates, family sponsorship, and a path to permanent residency. Digital nomads should consider Spain. They should explore more resources. Or, they can seek help. This will make their transition into the digital nomad lifestyle there smoother.

FAQs –

What is the minimum income for digital nomad visa Spain?

The minimum income requirement for a Spain Digital Nomad Visa for Individual: €2,646 per month
Couple: €2,646 + €993 (75% of minimum wage) per additional person = €3,639 per month
Family with Child: €2,646 + €331 (25% of minimum wage) per child = €2,977 per month (additional children add another €331 each)

Is there tax on nomad visa in Spain?

Yes, there’s tax with Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa, but at a flat 24% on Spanish income (up to €600,000) which can be lower than resident rates.

What are the benefits of a digital nomad visa?

Digital nomad visas offer legal work stays, tax perks, access to local services, and the chance to build expat communities. All while enjoying a flexible work-from-anywhere lifestyle.

Does nomad visa lead to citizenship?

No, a digital nomad visa itself typically does not directly lead to citizenship. It’s a visa for temporary stays focused on remote work.
However, some countries with digital nomad visas also offer paths to permanent residency or even citizenship after meeting specific requirements and residing in the country for a set period.

Can you bring a spouse on a digital nomad visa?

Yes, you can often bring your spouse on a digital nomad visa (Spain included) with a dependent visa allowing them to live with you, but usually not work locally.

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